So here we are at the end of summer. I have thought to myself, "where did the summer go?" but I can honestly say that I know exactly where it went! God has blessed us and we enjoyed our summer to the fullest. We had days to just spend at home together and work on the house, but we also took two trips out of state as well as a short trip to the beach. We made many wonderful memories and I wouldn't trade them for anything! (Now I might have traded some of the 10 hour car trips, but you take the good with the bad, right?)
I am thankful for the way God provided for us over and over. Russ was able to do a few paint jobs which allowed some extra money for the trips, but on the same hand he was able to stay at home with us mostly and enjoy our summer together. Even if he did spend much of his time in the yard and repairing the house. :o)
I want to thank God for some prayers that He answered for us this week:
1. God provided good insurance for Rusty and we will have his cyst removed in the next few weeks.
2. My mother got a good job with great benefits and we have been praying for that for several months now.
3. God provided Hannah with the finances she needed to spend this next semester in England. (Also, Mom's insurance came in just in time to keep Hannah from having to buy the school's insurance. Isn't God's timing perfect?)
With school starting back, we will be paying for babysitting again, but I know God will provide and I am thankful for the boost in my faith with these answered prayers.
We've had a chance to get together with several of our friends at church this summer and become closer with many of them. We love our church family and it is refreshing to have good Christian friends to have fun with.
Every single one of Rusty's grandparents (Which includes 6 great-grandparents, 4 grandparents, 1 step-great grandparent, and 2 step-grandparents), aunts, and uncles got to see him and how he has grown. Rusty was at a very enjoyable age and loved to show off for all of them! He made best friends with his papa and still talks about him and holds his picture.
So here I am working on bulletin boards now and getting ready to start the new school year. I am sad about having to be away from Rusty, but I refuse to dread what God has called me to do! (Just pray that I can keep this attitude :o)
Some shots I took around the house...
Mimi brought Rusty over a Push Pop last night! He loved every drop of it, even though this picture sort of betrays that thought.
Thank you, Mimi!
Daddy and Rusty are enjoying a book that Rusty's friend, Clay, let him borrow.
Sporting his new outfit!
Daddy and Rusty making beautiful music together!
Look out, Jared, I see a new Subway spokesman on the rise!
Rusty to the rescue! Obviously this was right after supper and right before the bath.
Thanks for stopping by for a brief look at our lives!