So we had a busy week last week getting our classrooms ready and lesson plans done. We worked all weekend to be ready for the first day of school which went off great! Now, though, we find ourselves with two days out of school because Tropical Storm Fay is coming for a visit. Talk about anticlimatic...
We're stocked up with water, beanie weanies, and peanut butter and bananas--that is what I call survival food! Rusty decided to pull out each bottle of water that was beside the table. Even as I'm doing this post he got into the cabinet and has stacked a can of chili, two cans of vienna sausage, and topped it off with a bottle of mustard! What an artist, right?

Rusty admiring his hard work.

His teeth are still bothering him, but I sure do hope that this is the end of it.

My classroom which is ready and waiting!

We're going to just weather the storm and stay put! Russ' mom has a generator so if we lose power we will go over there. Keep everyone in Florida in your prayers.
I will be praying...and Rusty is such a cutie!!
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