Saturday, December 15, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

So each night this week has held some sort of obligation for the McDonald family. Our Christmas Cantata began Thursday night with performances also on Friday and Sunday night. Russ and I are in charge of the Drama. So we've been rehearsing and Russ has been building and poor little Rusty has went from person to person to person. He loves the attention, but I miss the little guy.
So to make up for the missed time we went to the Emergency Room Friday night. Rusty woke up wheezing and it just seemed like he was struggling for breath. They took some X-rays and checked his ears and said there was just a little something in his right lung, so we spent the weekend with a vaporizer and Vick's Vapor Rub. Rusty seemed to like it actually. He is doing okay now, just coughing some.
We are getting ready for exam week. This is a great week for me. Since I'm considered a "Special" teacher I don't give exams. (I teach Computer, Yearbook, and Drama.) However I have a HUGE yearbook deadline that is looming over my head. I really want to get that completed before the break.
Come Friday, though, we will be heading to Alabama for a glorious week! So there is a great big light at the end of this busy tunnel.

Our drama cast and half of the set. This is the car and house that Russ built. Jason helped him paint it. Jason is the guy in the green shirt. This is the guy Haley is dating. :o)

Rusty is wearing his Christmas outfit his cousin Rebecca sent. It was precious!

Rusty was demonstrating a dramatic pose!

I know it's weird but you have to admit that it's pretty cute. It's amazing how many people have never seen a kid cut his eye teeth before his middle teeth. (I hadn't either until now.)

He's getting ready to let go!

I can't keep bows on the presents this year! I love it, though. We just let him walk around with this bow on his cute little bottom for awhile.

Enjoying a snack with Daddy!


Doug and Jennifer Gross said...

Finally! Someone who can feel my pain about the yearbook! Thank goodness my deadline is met for December!

Shane and Kristy Davis said...

Hey Rachel!
Ok...I was just checking some blogs tonight and ran across yours. I am so excited to see how the Lord has blessed you! Rusty is soooo cute! Tell your mom and dad "hi" for us. How are the boys doing? Hope you all have a Merry CHRISTmas. Be sure to visit us at