Posted by Rachel and Russ at 9:51 PM 2 comments
I know everyone is busy. Almost no one can use the excuse of being busy anymore because EVERYBODY is BUSY. However, basketball season is winding down and that will be a bit of a break for us. Our Junior Varsity boys have only had one loss this season and it was in a non-conference game. We are going to the state championship this Saturday at Clearwater Christian College.
Well, we got the house!! I'll post a slideshow of the house later. I don't want those pictures to take up my whole blog when I have so many cute pictures of Rusty.:o)
We had a wonderful weekend in Alabama, but I caught the flu and I still feel a little yucky. Almost all of our families were there to celebrate Rusty's birthday and we are so thankful to everyone for making it special. Rusty had a great time. He especially loved seeing Beau and Max (the dogs) and he says his new favorite phrase -- "Git dog!"--over and over and over.
Posted by Rachel and Russ at 11:00 AM 1 comments
We are currently watching the Super Bowl. Last year we watched the Super Bowl from the hospital room after Rusty was born at 3:22. That was a day never to be forgotten...
Tomorrow is Rusty's birthday. We are also going to hear something back on if we got the house or not. (We are in a bidding war with another buyer.) Since we have a basketball game tomorrow night we had a small party today at Mimi's and Papa Dale's house. President's Day weekend we are heading up to Alabama for a great big birthday bash with all of the family.
Here are some pics of the day and a super short clip of Rusty taking a few steps.
Good thing Momma learned how to make sugar-free cupcakes!
I think this must be why they call it a "birthday suit."
Posted by Rachel and Russ at 8:59 PM 4 comments