Okay, I have about half an hour to do something with so I thought I would catch everyone up.
We are in the house and it is going very well. We are up to our necks in boxes, but we have finished painting the living room/kitchen/hallway. We used this golden yellow that took us by surprise at first, but now that we have the furniture in I really like it. I will send pictures, but I want everything to look nice before I do. :o)
Rusty has slept all through the night every night since last Friday and we are sooooo glad that this adjustment has finally been made! He is growing again and Miss Laura bought him a new ball last week that is about twice his size, but I really like it because it doesn't fit in the toilet.
This morning Russ was taking his eggs out of the refrigerator and Rusty pointed and said, "Ball!" Russ said "No, these aren't balls." So he let Rusty watch him crack the eggs and cook them. Apparently Rusty wasn't convinced because he had a fit when Russ put the eggshells in the trashcan...

We have finished up the third quarter and are on our last nine weeks at school--YIPPEE!! The last day of the third quarter was our Junior Auction Day where the Juniors get auctioned off and you get to buy them and then dress and torture them however you wish. The cheerleaders got Billye and we had a good time with her. Thought you might enjoy seeing some of these.

The last couple of pics are so funny! Little Rusty is so cute! Love his little Easter outfit too! You have such a cute family! Happy Belated Easter!=)
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