"Hey, Granny, we're getting ready for your visit to my house!"

"I'm getting all cleaned up and trying to get my hair to lay down!"

"Here you are in front of my house."

"I love my Aunt Hannah!"

"Papa, I loved to listen to you play the guitar and to make you laugh when I dance!"

"Granny, you give the best lovin' in the whole world!"
"I think we all favor a little, too."
"We had fun eating together!"
"Chuck E Cheese was very new to me, but I had fun!"

As you can see we had a very good and relaxing week. While Mom and Dad were here Russ and I went to see "The Music Man" at the Civic Theatre. It was sooo good and we had a good time. I'm excited about the summer to just unwind and spend lots of time with family. My parents left this morning (Rusty has been looking for them, too) and Russ' brother Clay and his family is on their way today. Good times. If I can just hold on to my diet...
How fun!..... And, hold onto that diet.... I'll be joining you as soon as Miss Isabella decides she's ready for the real world.
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