Happy Mother's Day!!!!
I have several pictures that I want to share, but not many words are coming to mind tonight. We've all been a little under the weather this week, but it's just a mix of allergies and exhaustion. We are looking forward to seeing all of our family soon. Rusty has lots of tricks to show off!

A little puppeteer

The outside of the house is really starting to look nice. We are going to paint it this summer. Every time we go down the road I'm scouting houses to see what color we should paint it.

This is the front of the house now.

Russ in the process of moving the stepping stones. Isn't he amazing?

This is the best before picture I had. Russ dug out all of those thick shrubs and dug up the stepping stones. Looks better don't you think?

Our first sign of home-grown vegetation!!!

These are some shots from the Spring Play--which was a blast as always!

I wish the curtain was open so you could see the set. Russ made an incredible steering wheel for the steamboat. (The name of the play was "Showtime On The Showboat") He used a wagon wheel and screwed in table legs for handles. Patch the Pirate would have been envious!

Working on Captain Lucy.

Samir was a ventriloquist.

Rufus Bilge - the villian!

Backstage--the girls are watching the people come in.
I love this picture because this sums up what the last few minutes before a production are like. Some students have a MILLION last minute questions, (the girls standing up--the Flower Sisters) some are looking over their lines, and some just don't care -- those usually do surprisingly well.
rusty looks like a fundamentalist with that tie on and his shirttail out.
i sure do want to see him
ya'll too
love you
House looks great! It looks like the play was alot of fun, and I love the picture of Rusty tying his tie!
And...I love the way your dad added, "ya'll too" on his comment. We know the truth about grandparents;)
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