Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Posted by Rachel and Russ at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Standing and Talking
Happy Weekend to everyone! We are in the middle of a three day weekend and that is a nice treat. My piano student said with a puzzled look on Friday, "Aren't we out for Martial Arts (slight pause) Arthur Day??" I thought that was cute. As my dad will be quick to point out it is, "King-Lee" Day (For Robert E. Lee, too). I did some reading on that and it is only in some states that it is actually for both of them. In fact, I think it was Virginia where it is actually, "King-Lee-Jackson" Day (For Stonewall Jackson). Anyhow, I'm glad for the day off to catch up on some things.
We had Rusty's Dr's appointment Thursday and they sent us to have an ultrasound done on his head on Friday. Thankfully, they were able to get a good look at the knot and he won't have to have a CAT scan. (That would have involved putting him to sleep.) We haven't heard an official word from the doctor, but the girl who did the ultrasound said it looked cystic. We will probably go to a surgeon next to have it removed. It would be an outpatient procedure, but they would still have to put him to sleep. So just pray that all goes well and that the timing would be right. I know it's not that unusual, but I still don't like it.
Rusty is standing on his own now and talking, well jabbering I guess. His favorite word is "throw!" After he says it he will raise whatever is in his hand and do just that. Pretty cute. He's getting so big and boyish. He still eats and eats. I used to feed him before we ate, but now I feed him before and he still wants whatever we're eating, too! Comes by it honestly I'm afraid...
Well, we love you all! (I think :o)

Posted by Rachel and Russ at 2:15 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Back on Track
So here we are back into the routine of everything. What a week we had, too! Busy as always, but a good week. Rusty was happy to see Mrs. Dawn again and he slept very well. He is still eating everything he can! We have an appointment this coming week to get this knot seen about on his head. They have told us not to worry about it, but he is coming up on his first birthday and it is still there so we are going to just see about having it removed. Pray for us. I don't like to think about it very much :o(.
We've had a restful weekend. We took Rusty outside yesterday and played with him for awhile. He enjoyed it, but he still doesn't know what to do when we put him on the grass. It was beautiful yesterday! Temperature was in the mid 70's with a nice breeeze. I would love to see snow, but I will settle for this I guess :o)
Posted by Rachel and Russ at 2:37 PM 3 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Now What Do We Do?
So it's Saturday and I think I woke up just a little sad this morning. Our beautiful week of vacation is past and we need to start thinking about the upcoming week. Monday starts another school week filled with yearbook deadlines, spelling lists, and 2 basketball games (Not to mention two cheerleading practices.) We have enjoyed this week of staying up too late and doing whatever we want, but I will appreciate being on a schedule again.
Rusty has come off his bottle completely now, and he is doing great with his cup. He still isn't standing by himself, but he gets closer all the time. He does dance and clap constantly!
I have decided to try my hand at selling Avon. I did some online training and such with that this week and I set up a website where customers can shop online. Take a look if you want at

Posted by Rachel and Russ at 8:27 PM 1 comments