Saturday, January 5, 2008

Now What Do We Do?

So it's Saturday and I think I woke up just a little sad this morning. Our beautiful week of vacation is past and we need to start thinking about the upcoming week. Monday starts another school week filled with yearbook deadlines, spelling lists, and 2 basketball games (Not to mention two cheerleading practices.) We have enjoyed this week of staying up too late and doing whatever we want, but I will appreciate being on a schedule again.

Rusty has come off his bottle completely now, and he is doing great with his cup. He still isn't standing by himself, but he gets closer all the time. He does dance and clap constantly!

I have decided to try my hand at selling Avon. I did some online training and such with that this week and I set up a website where customers can shop online. Take a look if you want at

Russ has enjoyed doing some reading and cleaning. He has been tearing out tests, too and getting ready with a little reluctancy I think. We hope you all have a wonderful week!
Rusty's new favorite place is his baby bed! He loves to listen to his turtle.

Riding his little rocking horse. At least we can push him on this and stay in one place. It takes a little more effort to push him on his tractor.

This was the armoire that Russ and I got for Christmas. It has knobs that go on the bottom, too, but we left them off for now, for Rusty's sake.

The armoire with the doors open. (Obviously :o)
Rusty can't get these off his feet!!

The empty cheerio bowl.
Rusty with his turtle. Fun times.


Shane and Kristy Davis said...

I know what you mean. I reluctantly started school back today for Colton. I think I need another break!