Hi there! I don't have long to post (I'm actually finishing this in the morning before we go to school.) I wanted to share the clip of Rusty swinging and I had a few other shots I thought ya'll might enjoy. The Spring Play is tonight and I'm excited but running down a mental list constantly to make sure that everything is done. Hope everyone has a happy weekend!
Rusty sportin his new hair cut. Dad, I think he looks just like you here.
(Mom, this is the dress I bought with that gift card.) Notice the rabbit ears--we still haven't had the cable hooked up. We actually do just fine with 3 channels--especially this busy part of the year plus it saves us money. I also can't decide where to put that shelf that is next to the fireplace. In fact, I still haven't hung my pictures and things on the walls. When is summer coming?
Rusty loves his new yard swing!