Well, everything is just "hunky-dorey" here in sunny Florida! Our garden is growing and we will soon have tomatoes coming out the wazoo :o)
We had neighborhood Bible time last week at church and had a great time there. I helped in the kitchen and we actually had callouses on our hands from dipping ice cream for all the teenagers one night! (It was much like trying to dip out dried concrete. )Then last weekend we had a cook-out and invited some friends over. We also bought Rusty a pool and he has been having fun with his outside "bath" as he calls it.
Russ and I celebrated our anniversary on Tuesday and we went to our favorite Japenese restaurant "Kotobuki." It was fun and kind of neat because we were the only ones at the tapenyaki table to watch our food get cooked. Like a private show. Russ' birthday is coming up on Monday. I know many of you probably know this, but Russ was born on 7/7/77. Pretty neato, huh?
I helped Russ with a painting job this week to make a little extra money before we head for the mountains next week to get Haley and Jason married. So much excitement going on around here!
"I know I left that bat around here somewhere!"

These are just a few improvements we've done this week. I finally finished painting my bedroom and put my new bedding on (thanks to Granny). I still need to hang curtains and pictures so this is a bed-only shot.

Your house is looking beautiful!
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